About: admin

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Consumerism with Chinese Characteristics

As China attempts to turn to internal demand to drive economic development and prosperity, the importance of the Chinese consumer will increase dramatically for consumer-facing firms across a wide variety of industries, in particular airlines, tourism, food and FMCGs.While Chinese consumers are becoming increasingly modern...
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GMG visit The Fifteenth China Beijing International High-Tech Expo (CHITEC)

China Beijing International High-Tech Expo (CHITEC) is a major national hi-tech expo that takes place every May in Beijing. China Beijing International High-Tech Fair (hereinafter referred to: "Tech Expo") was founded in 1998 is, approved by the State Council, a national large-scale comprehensive international Science...
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PALM Expo 2012

China International Exhibition on Pro Audio, Light, Music & Technology, also widely called PALM Expo was officially opened at the New China International Exhibition Centre from 24-27 May 2012. GMG Business Consultants were inspired after visiting this event to learn about the rapid development. PALM...
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China Franchise Expo 2012

This Expo has been known as the most important event with good reputation in the field of franchising in China. The expo has been held successfully for 13 years since 1999.China Franchise Expo provides not only a platform for franchisors from around the world to...
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The 10th China International Scientific Instrument and Laboratory Equipment Exhibition (CISILE 2012)

GMG found The Exhibition Center, with a total floor are of more than 30,000 sq m, exhibiting newly developed analytical and testing instrumentations, optical instrumentations, laboratory equipments, measuring instrumentations, specialized instrumentations, and chemical reagents from all over the world. GMG also visited technical seminars and presentations....
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