
China has sought to regulate the entry of foreign capital through industrial policies and guidelines on foreign investment. The government issued the Directory of Guidelines for Foreign Capital Investment in April2002 to encourage foreign investments to flow to targeted trades and industries such as agriculture, resource development, infrastructure construction, export and high-technology industries. At the same time, policies were put in place to disallow foreigners to participate or hold a controlling share in certain enterprises of strategic national significance. Policies on regional development and its regulation have also been introduced. The Directory on Favorable Conditions of Investment in Industries by Foreign Enterprises in the Central and Western Regions was released to specify preferential policies for participation by foreign enterprises. In order to revitalize the industrial base in the Northeast, preferential treatment for the old-established industries was announced in two circulars released in 2004. However, in order to meet its obligations to the WTO, China allows foreign participation in many more industries including the state-controlled telecommunication industry, and the financial, insurance, commercial and foreign trade sectors. China has also opened its door to foreign participation in the service industry. Many foreign investors have believed, and consequently worried, that they could not withdraw their investments because of the absence of    relevant legislations. However, foreign investments have various options  to withdraw their capital in China, such as through:

  • Initial public offers
  • Equity transfers
  • Management takeover
  • Share buy-back
  • Corporation liquidation

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Apart from that, we also cover services related to copyright registration, due diligence and trademark registration in China and Hong Kong. From business strategy, legal & accounting solutions, to the location, design and construction of your office or store establishment, we offer everything to our prospective clients. For better understanding how foreign investor can establish future business we recommend you to fill the inquiry form or Contact us for more details.
