China Mergers and Acquisitions

Merger and acquisition are basically part of corporate strategies that help in expanding the business. You can take your business to the next level by hiring GMG services related to China Mergers and Acquisitions. At GMG, we always try to serve our customers by helping them in buying, selling, dividing and combining of different companies and similar entities that can help an enterprise grow rapidly.

TOP 4 types of Mergers and Acquisitions in China:

Direct Acquisition

A foreign investor may purchase all or part of the non-listed equity interest of the target company direct from one of the existing investors.

Indirect Acquisitions

A foreign investor can acquire or increase control a target company by purchasing offshore some or all of the shares held by the target company’s foreign parent(s). However, this type of acquisition is only available if the PRC target company has foreign investors’ equity.

Asset Acquisition

A foreign investor can use a newly established foreign invested enterprise or an existing foreign invested enterprise as an acquiring vehicle to purchase directly some or all of the business and assets of a target company.

Acquisition of a State-owned corporation

Special regulations govern acquisitions of State-owned interests.

Why many mergers in China can fail?

Summarizing it we have to say, that difference in culture and poor leadership in business comparing to western management will affect mainly your future success.

From our experience sometimes foreign companies change the strategy from M&A to creation more alternatives business models like:

  • WFOE
  • Joint Venture
  • Franchise

Franchise in China is a new opportunity and we are ready to provide you advice service based on marketing research.GMG also offers comprehensive cross-border investments on company formation in China and issues ranging from market entry to local tax and legal structures.

We provide free consultation about M&A projects in China and have personal attitude to each client.

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