Marketing research & Strategy

GMG will be very happy to prepare marketing research about your potential market in China.  During past 7 years we have received many positive feedbacks about quality of our reports, so that we guarantee that you will find newest information and one of the best strategy implementation plan of your future brand.

Your future market research will include next information:

1)    General information about the industry in China, key players, consumption, growth rate, future perspectives, etc.

The purpose is to give the client a clear macro-picture of the specific business environment and latest updates about industry. This information is essential to guide our marketing penetration strategy.

2)    Research about the beer industry in different regions of China. The product market in China could be very fragmented with certain national players and a great number of regional and local brands.

The purpose is to compare different regions to discover the opportunities and analyze which regions are most suitable for your products.

3)    Research about the competitors and market share of the region chosen by the client. This is a detailed research in a specific area to find who are your potential competitors, their products, prices, distribution network, etc.

This will enable us to decide how to position your products.    

4)    Assist the client in drawing the marketing plan.

We will provide the information necessary so the client can better position the products according to the peculiarities of the market.   

5)    Assist the client in planning the market penetration strategy according to all the information obtained in the previous research.

6)    Research about the situation of other foreign competitors in China, providing information about their performance, strategies, prices, etc. Analysis of the successes and failures.

The purpose is to find examples of successful strategies and analyze the key points for success.

7)    List of potential distributors.

8)    List of potential buyers.

9)    Translation services Chinese/English related to the research purposes.

GMG is an expert of doing marketing research in next industries:

-        Food & Beverage

-        Automotive

-        Medical Equipment

-        Fashion

-        Cosmetics
